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Inverse Dynamics Control Approach for a Soft Robotic Arm
Dynamic Control of a Soft Robotic Arm
Learning Inverse Dynamics for Robot Control
Two-Level Approach for Solving the Inverse Kinematics of an Extensible Soft Arm
Passive Inverse Dynamics Control using a Global Energy Tank for Torque Controlled Humanoid Robots in
Optimization-based inverse model of Soft Robots with Contact Handling
Decoupled Motion and Force Control for Underactuated Robots: Multi-Arm Manipulation
Joint Inverse Dynamics Control with CYBO Joint
Modern Robotics, Chapter 8.3: Newton-Euler Inverse Dynamics
A Model-based Sensor Fusion Approach for Force and Shape Estimation in Soft Robotics
ICRA 2022 - Adaptive Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of Soft Continuum Manipulators
Adaptive Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of Soft Continuum Manipulators